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MP: "Inflation is not higher than 10 percent"

MP: "Inflation is not higher than 10 percent"

"Wages have increased by 20 percent on average this year, and inflation is not higher than 10 percent."

This was stated by the MP of the Milli Majlis, Mashhur Mammadov, in his statement to "abzas.org".

Fakt Yoxla examined whether this claim was true.

According to the latest information released by the State Statistical Committee (SSC), annual inflation was 13.9 percent. So, in January-February 2023, the consumer price index was 113.9 percent compared to January-February 2022, including 117.3 percent for food products, beverages, and tobacco products, 112.2 percent for non-food products, and 110.6 percent for paid services provided to the population. It should be noted that the inflation rate recorded in the country by the end of 2022 was equal to 13.9 percent.

Consumer price index (inflation) in Azerbaijan


It can be seen from the table that inflation in Azerbaijan has been higher than 10 percent since January 2022 and has been in double digits for 14 months in a row.

Alternative calculations of independent economists show that the real level of inflation in the country is even higher than the two-digit indicator announced by the government. The main point here is related to the composition of the basket used in measuring inflation. So, the average market price of approximately 130 different food products is used as a basis for measuring inflation in food products in the methodology currently used by the SSC.

However, in some cases, some of these products do not consist of products that occupy a large place in the population's diet. From this point of view, it turns out that price increases are higher when narrower baskets of products that occupy more space in the population's diet are taken as a basis.


As can be seen from the table, the average market price of the 20 most expensive food products in the country increased by 20-95 percent compared to the same period last year.

Fakt Yoxla concludes that Mashhur Mammadov’s claim is a Lie.

“abzas.org”, Qiymət artımları əhalinin gəlirlərinə uyğundurmu?

“Dövlət Statistika Komitəsi”, İstehlak bazarında qiymətlərin dəyişməsi haqqında

“Bakı Araşdırmalar İnstitutu”, Qiymətlər əhalinin qazanclarından nə qədər sürətlə artır?

“Dövlət Statistika Komitəsi”, Qiymət indeksləri


  • 3 April, 2023
  • 4960

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